About Us

“We take YOU to the INTERNET of THINGS”

SAEBO is an Indonesian-based integrated solutions and services company offerring software and IT solutions for a broad range of uses, including banking and financial services, Internet of Things (IoT), marketplaces, geolocation, security, as well as cloud-computing services.

The company is known for its creative solutions to private and governmental sectors, - including Police departments, District Attorney offices, local governments, private school, etc. – which offers a suite of enterprise-ready AI services, applications, and tools.


In 2008, the founder of Saebo - Sonny Kastara Dhaniswara – had a dream of creating complete cashless and cardless banking systems – code name “myB@nk” to execute worldwide financial transactions in real-time 7-days a week 24 hours.

The idea was first demonstrated - when he was leading a direct-selling company- by distributing real-time bonuses to its distributor which was then recorded in the Indonesia’s Record Museum (MURI) as “the fastest bonus in a direct selling industry”.

In December 2011, Sonny and his team upgraded the systems to be able to transfer funds – in real time 24/7 – without knowing recipients’ bank accounts, but by using their registered cellphone numbers, e-mail addresses, and/ or other unique codes. They since then have called it “Saebo C@shless”.

In 2012, during a signing ceremony with clients, one of them said that the Saebo C@shless would be nothing and useless without their applications. To Sonny, these words become an inspiration to create unique and beneficial applications to all walks of life.

Today, SAEBO has created a suite of applications in addition to its “Saebo C@shless” that is fun, beneficial, and rewarding to its clients and society. The suite becomes even better when some “giants” joining Saebo in to add more values with rewarding points in real-time 24/7. Worldwide.

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Our News

Gubernur Ingatkan Generasi Milenial Untuk Berkendara dengan Aman

  • 2019-02-19 20:35:28
  • artaya@atnews.id
  • 113

  • 2021-05-09 14:13:19
  • 110

  • 2021-05-09 14:13:19
  • 110

Gubernur Koster Berharap Lembaga Spiritual Perkuat Tatwa

  • 2019-02-19 20:43:36
  • artaya@atnews.id
  • 107

Gubernur Koster Berharap Lembaga Spiritual Perkuat Tatwa

  • 2019-02-19 20:43:36
  • artaya@atnews.id
  • 107

Weda Memperkuat Konsep Pembangunan Bali 

  • 2019-02-15 20:15:28
  • artaya@atnews.id
  • 96

Koster Dukung Startup Bali dengan WiFi Gratis

  • 2019-02-21 15:28:48
  • artaya@atnews.id
  • 86

Weda Memperkuat Konsep Pembangunan Bali 

  • 2019-02-15 20:15:28
  • artaya@atnews.id
  • 96

Koster Dukung Startup Bali dengan WiFi Gratis

  • 2019-02-21 15:28:48
  • artaya@atnews.id
  • 86

Gubernur Koster Dampingi Presiden Jokowi Resmikan Pasar Badung

  • 2019-03-23 22:39:43
  • artaya@atnews.id
  • 86

Hasil Kerajinan Bali Harus Punya Jati Diri Budaya

  • 2019-02-21 15:26:18
  • artaya@atnews.id
  • 80

Weda Memperkuat Konsep Pembangunan Bali 

  • 2019-02-15 20:15:28
  • artaya@atnews.id
  • 96

Koster Dukung Startup Bali dengan WiFi Gratis

  • 2019-02-21 15:28:48
  • artaya@atnews.id
  • 86

Gubernur Koster Dampingi Presiden Jokowi Resmikan Pasar Badung

  • 2019-03-23 22:39:43
  • artaya@atnews.id
  • 86

Hasil Kerajinan Bali Harus Punya Jati Diri Budaya

  • 2019-02-21 15:26:18
  • artaya@atnews.id
  • 80

Windia: Tidak Perlu Formal Ada Debat Capres

  • 2019-02-19 21:04:19
  • artaya@atnews.id
  • 78

Masyarakat Antusias Sambut Kedatangan Presiden Jokowi di Bali

  • 2019-03-23 08:19:30
  • artaya@atnews.id
  • 77

Koster Dukung Startup Bali dengan WiFi Gratis

  • 2019-02-21 15:28:48
  • artaya@atnews.id
  • 86

Gubernur Koster Dampingi Presiden Jokowi Resmikan Pasar Badung

  • 2019-03-23 22:39:43
  • artaya@atnews.id
  • 86

Hasil Kerajinan Bali Harus Punya Jati Diri Budaya

  • 2019-02-21 15:26:18
  • artaya@atnews.id
  • 80

Windia: Tidak Perlu Formal Ada Debat Capres

  • 2019-02-19 21:04:19
  • artaya@atnews.id
  • 78

Masyarakat Antusias Sambut Kedatangan Presiden Jokowi di Bali

  • 2019-03-23 08:19:30
  • artaya@atnews.id
  • 77

Bhagavad Gita Menurut Aslinya

  • 2019-04-04 07:23:50
  • artaya@atnews.id
  • 73
Our Videos
Our Enthusiasm


A very interesting factor from technology based on a long-term self-improvement culture. So we feel that playing with technology can be both exciting and challenging to bring good things to ourselves, to our clients, and to the people around us.


When we make solutions, we give "our best" in every detail. Don't you want the best solution? Sure. But we would also like to 'present' the solutions on the "plates - gold plates." This is a love of our technology and our commitment to you..


As a member of a few communities, you have the right to participate in certain public events held by our clients. Enjoy the event that inspired and improved your business with more networking and different community.


When you use our product, we're actually "bonded" forever. Not only do you have the full support of 24/7, but you also bring a steady upkeep of your product or system as long as you feel that our product is the best thing for you.


Our motto is simple: we are satisfied if you are satisfied! Our commitment makes the best solutions that exceed our customer's expectations. In other words, you simply tell us how you want to be and we'll work, adapt, and adapt to it till beyond the order..


How much money would you have made today if only decades ago you got the 'money back' of all your purchases or transactions? Now that 'return' is yours, as we work under a world-class firm working on 'loyalty points' to ensure that all of our applications you enjoy can also add gifts or double values - like a, gadget, sightseeing, mobile phones, etc.


Some people call us 'out-of-the-box thinking ', 'breaking the rules', or 'logic rebelling'. Our principle is simple when it comes to solutions for you: we care only about the results that satisfy you-our clients-not the process until it reaches that result.


We understand that the most interesting aspect of technology is the problem solving. So we listen to you-our client-to understand and verify your needs before we design blueprints for solutions that may exceed your expectations.

Our Services
Our Client

What the definition of a 'good' application? in saebo, a 'good' measure is determined by how many people benefit and advantage by using it. Here are some institutions or communities we are proud of and have enjoyed our work:

Our Team


"Persaingan semakin ketat dan sebagai ‘pemain baru’, kami tidak bisa melakukan hal yang sama dengan kompetitor kami Sebaliknya, kami menerapkan ide yang mungkin belum pernah ada sebelumnya menjadi solusi lebih baik bagi mitra dan klien kami. Barulah kami memiliki masa depan yang menjanjikan"

KH. Dr. Marsudi Syuhud MM

"Sejatinya, perusahaan yang tumbuh subur adalah yang tidak hanya mencari keuntungan materi, tetapi juga berupaya menjadi pilar kemanfaatan bagi masyarakat luas. Dengan berlandaskan nilai-nilai kebaikan dan keadilan, perusahaan mampu menjalin harmoni antara kesuksesan bisnis dan berkah spiritual"

Head. Solution Developments

"Saya selalu tertantang untuk mempelajari masalah klien yang kompleks dan ‘menterjemahkannya’ menjadi suatu ‘blueprint’ solusi sebagai panduan bagi tim teknis kami untuk menciptakan solusi dan aplikasi teknologi yang paling efektif untuk menyelesaikan masalah itu"

Head. Project Developments

"Kadangkala klien hanya mengeluh tentang masalah mereka tanpa mengetahui bagaimana menyelesaikannya. Bahkan mereka kadang tidak menyadari masalah yang ada. Maka tugas saya bukan hanya menyadarkannya, tapi juga menciptakan ekosistem solusi yang paling tepat"

Corporate Secretary

"Sementara para ‘jenius’ menyelesaikan masalah dan solusi teknis, tugas saya adalah memastikan kebutuhan setiap klien mendapatkan layanan dari personel atau departemen yang paling tepat"

Head. Legals

"Saya percaya dengan kompetensi, kreativitas, dan masa depan Saebo. Perusahaan ini akan mencapai apapun yang mereka inginkan. Maka menjadi tanggung-jawab saya memastikan Saebo berjalan sesuai dengan regulasi yang berlaku"

"Aplikasi teknologi bukan hanya makanan kami sehari-hari, tapi juga telah menjadi
nafas dan kehidupan kami"

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Alamat :

Ruko Aerobliss Blok C3A No.6
Kel.Pegadungan, Kec.Kalideres
Jakarta Barat